Title | Status |
Games Won: | |
Win percentage: (Won/Played) | |
King Killed by Same value in a row: | |
King Killed by Suit: | |
King Killed by Alternating Color: | |
Current Streak of Winning games: | |
Longest Streak of Winning games: | |
Average Kings Killed: | |
Total Kings Killed: | |
Maximum cards used in the killing of a king: | |
Fewest reserve spots used in a win: | |
Renegade: Killed All 4 Kings | |
Revolutionary: Won 5 games | |
Threvolution: Won 3 games in a row | |
Seven Up: Won 7 games in a row | |
Bastille My Heart: Won 14 games | |
Triple Ninja: Killed all 4 kings with the same value | |
Suited Up: Killed all 4 kings with same suit | |
Rainbow Rebel: Killed all 4 kings with alternating colors | |
Clean Kill: Win game with no cards left in Reserve Spots | |
Patience: Used 14 or more cards in the killing of a king | |
Show of Force: Killed All 4 Kings only using 4 Reserve Spots | |
Far, Far Better: No more than 1 reserve spot was ever used at one time during a win | |
Rabble Rouser: Followed Standard Games on Twitter | |
Voice of the People: Tweeted A Victory |
Goal: Kill All 4 Kings and win!
There's 3 Ways to Kill a King by placing cards below:
1) 3 in a row of the same value
2) 4 in row of descending value and same suit
3) 5 in a row of descending value and alternating colors
Once you play a card to attack a King, every other card attacking that King must be equal or lower value (Aces are low).
Every card played below a King must be in the furtherance of killing a king
(no "same color different suit lower number"). This includes which King you put it on (even though the king itself doesn't count).
When you Kill a King, you get an extra Reserve spot (shown as a blank) where the King was!
Each turn, you can either draw a card from the Deck, or play a card from Reserve.
When you draw from the Deck, you can either put the card in Reserve, or attack a King by placing a card under it.
Once you play a card to attack the King, that card is there forever.
You lose when you draw a card from the deck and are unable to play it.